Terms of Use (for guests)

Regarding check-in and check-out times, the guest rooms at our hotel can be used from 15:00 to 12:00 the next day. However, if staying consecutively
You can use it all day except on the day of arrival and departure.

Cancellation charge
The day before your stay: 50% of the room charge
On the day of stay: 100% of the room charge
Regarding payment methods
Please settle the accommodation fee at check-in on the day of your reservation. Payment will be made in cash only.

Regarding smoking
Smoking is prohibited indoors, but smoking is permitted on the balcony. Regarding Accidents and Thefts in Guest Rooms Our hotel is not responsible for any accidents or thefts that occur under your control, even if they are in your guest room. Please be careful when handling valuables during your stay.

Regarding use of guest rooms
When using our guest rooms, we do not allow parties to be held in the guest rooms without the permission of the landlord.

Compensation for damages
Guests are requested to be careful not to deface or damage the facilities and fixtures of the hotel. In the unlikely event that any damage occurs to the facilities, fixtures, etc., we will contact you and either promptly repair the damage or pay for the damage.

Regarding use of parking lot
If you wish to use the parking lot, we will provide it free of charge if you reserve in advance.

Prohibited matter
Bringing in dangerous goods
Bringing in items that emit a foul odor Acts that violate public order and morals and that cause trouble to people in the surrounding area
Accommodation by minors without parental consent
Use by organized crime groups

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